ViewStation v.3 (c) COMSA GmbH *Dongle Emulator (Dongle Crack) for Aladdin Hardlock*

کرک ViewStation v.3 (c) COMSA GmbH *Dongle Emulator (Dongle Crack) for Aladdin Hardlock*
ViewStation opens new sights to different departments of big companies like quotations, purchasing, quality control, documentation services or manufacturing . ViewStation allows the display of CAD drawings and other standard documents on any Windows PC. As a typical Windows application ViewStation fits exactly into your existing network environment. As a stand-alone application with direct access to the drawings ViewStation may be used in any network or on a notebook to support the sales representatives outside on customer sites. ViewStation is the ultimate View- & Conversion-tool for binary 2D-CAD formats like Medusa, I-DEAS-Drafting or AutoCAD-DWG, for 2D-standards like DXF and HPGL, well known 3D-formats like VRML, 3D-Studio MAX or Alias Wavefront as well as widely used raster formats (more than 60 different) like CALS, JPEG, TIFF or PCX. ViewStation 4.0 has a Multi Document Interface so that all loaded documents can be displayed simultaneously. A Active Control wrapper allows ViewStation to any document in either own applications or in browsers. The Visual Basic source code for the wrapper is delivered with ViewStation. So you can build up your own Intranet with document visualization. A solution for supporting standard formats for which ActiveX Control viewing modules exist already (mostly available from the vendor) ViewStation offers a Plug-In solution. The existing Control is embedded into ViewStation. The control has its own user interface but is controlled by ViewStation gesteuert. Plug-Ins for PDF, HTML, and TXT/RTF exist. The batch-conversion of any displayed document – 2D or 3D, vector or raster based – into a one of the industry standard raster formats is done by the ConvertToRaster option. If you want to make sure the efficiency of ViewStation, visit our download-area and get a try-out version. Beginning with the day of installation, you can try this version for 20 days. A short overview what&qout;s new in ViewStation 4.0(5):
* Support of SDRC&qout;s I-DEAS Drafting ASC and DWG formats
* Plug-Ins for PDF, HTML, RTF
* Explorer/File Window for file selection
* Integration of own written programs, e.g. Visual Basic, samples included
* Integration in HTML pages, sample included
* Integration via OLE automation, sample included
* Direct usage of e-mail with attached original document or screen shot
* (single) Conversion into any supported raster format
* Multi-Document-Interface
* Visualization of data structure in Tree-View
* Property Window for selected objects
* Property Tool Tip when moving cursor over object
* Picking of Objects
* Measure of lengths, angles and distances – with scale
* Selective control of Visibility of selected objects
* Dimming of selected objects
* Display current element fitting into the window
* New file formats like HPGL, Medusa-3D, VRML or Alias Wavefront
* Extended formats for AutoCAD 2000, Medusa 2000i
* Display of Medusa Attributes in property window
* Dongle available as USB version
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